Friday, November 27, 2009

Create and host website free at weebly

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Create and Host Website for Free at Weebly

Weebly is a online web site creator and hosting application. Weebly provides similar service with that of Google Page Creator, allowing novice users who want to upload and get their contents online but don’t want to learn the technical expertise to HTML and JavaScript web programming, or mess with the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) to beautify the web page layout, or don’t want to pay a single cents for web hosting, or dislike using blog software or want to create and publish simple web pages instead of blog postings. Best of all, the free Weebly site creation and hosting service is equally easy to use as Google Page Creator, with its tag line been Website Creation Made Easy.

Weebly features drag and drop interface, variety of themes to apply to the website, personalized Weebly subdomain based on name of the site, ability to export the website to Zip file to host at another server or for recovery purpose, automatically handle media or resize photos, support numerous content elements that can be placed on web page such as text, pictures, photos, videos, maps, ads, a Flickr badge, Badgr, an RSS feed reader, and more. Most features on Weebly is based on AJAX, such as AJAX file upload and AJAX editor which allows drag and drop, effects and animations.

To use Weebly, Internet Explorer 5.5+ or IE7 and Firefox 1.5+ or 2.0 on Windows, Firefox 1.5+ or 2.0 on Linux and Firefox 1.5+ or 2.0 on Mac OS X is needed. Currently, anybody can sign up immediately for Weebly, after they returned to an open signup system from invitation based registration system. But due to high demand, Weebly has limits on the number of new user signups that they will accept.


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