Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Kaspersky Anti-Virus Review

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Kaspersky Anti-Virus is anti-virus software program by Kapersky Lab. It is one of most popular anti-virus program on the market today. The software has rich features and provides protection against viruses, worms, Trojans, and malware. It offers anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-phising. You can perform full scan, quick scan.

Highlight Features:

* Real-time scanning of files, web pages and e-messages
* Basic identity theft protection
* Color-coding of links to unsafe websites
* Disabling of links to malicious websites
* Blocking of suspicious programs based on their behavior
* Protection from hijacking
* Self-protection from malware

Program Language Support

english, russian, danish, dutch, french, german, italian, polish, portuguese, portuguese (brazil), serbian, serbian (cyrillic), spanish (latin america), swedish, turkish, chinese (simplified), chinese (traditional), czech, greek, romanian, slovak, turkish

The software is easy to use and has nice and user friendly interface with multiple languages. The 30 days free tail period is available to download and try.

User Experience with Kaspersky Anti-Virus Software

To add more useful information for other users, if you ever experience using the Kaspersky Anti-Virus program, I encourage you to write a short review about your experiences with software and share it in the following section:

Try Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Latest Trial Version


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